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Tag Archives: church

Had the pleasure of listening to Tony Jones read and talk about his new book last night. I also found the link to video below from my friend Bob at The Corner and as I watched couldn’t help but wonder if the conversations between the institutional church and the emerging church are something like this… 

In his book, Miller describes his disdain for the us vs. them mentality between Christians and non-Christians.

“I felt, once again, that there was this underlying hostility for homosexuals and Democrats and, well, hippie types. I cannot tell you how much I did not want liberal or gay people to be my enemies. I liked them,” he wrote. “The real issue in the Christian community was that (love) was conditional … You were loved in word, but there was, without question, a social commodity that was being withheld from you until you shaped up.”

For the complete article, go to 

Passing this along… Greetings Shapevine Friends,We have several FREE Webcasts in January at, starting this week. It is a tremendous menu of some of the top thinkers and leaders in the emerging missional church. We invite you to join in and watch, ask questions, chat, and poll. Just at the dates and times listed below and enter the Webcast area.

Shapevine Webcast Schedule

January 2008

10th 4pm EST Lance Ford / Dan Kimball
17th 4pm EST Lance Ford / Dave Ferguson
21st 4pm EST Sally Morgenthaler / Joseph Myers
22nd 4pm EST Leonard Sweet
23rd 4pm EST Nick Fiedler / Tony Jones
24th 4pm EST Lance Ford / Tri Robinson
TBA 4pm EST Lance Ford / Steve Sjogren
31st 4pm EST Lance Ford / Ryan Bolger

“It’s time to stop complaining about the church we’re disillusioned with and become the church we dream of.”Shane Claiborne 

Watch the last 2:50 of this video, especially the last 1:30 or so to hear Bono preach. He’s a pretty good preacher for a rock star…