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Monthly Archives: November 2006

I read the following quote on God’s Politics blog this morning.

“The Bible clearly and repeatedly teaches a fundamental point that we have often overlooked. At the crucial moments when God displayed mighty acts in history to reveal [God’s] nature and will, God also intervened to liberate the poor and oppressed.”

– Ronald J. Sider

Can you give me some of those liberating events? I’ll start with the obvious…

A people enslaved by evil veiled in the cloak of wealth and prosperity were made free when God heard their cries. As Moses led his people with the power of God, we who choose to listen will hear the cries of those who seek justice.

Forced labor in the name of prosperity and progress is and will always be evil incarnate.

The cries of a people will be heard! As it was and it shall always be!

God will move as he always has and perhaps if we listen…he will say to us, “Free my people.”

We should be honored to work with God to save what would be lost…and His kingdom advances!


His soul yearns to create,
to let free the peace that aches to escape.

His duty requires submission,
to others who are in need of his hands.

His soul yearns to heal,
to provide care and solace for those who have none.

His duty requires knowledge,
to those without.

His soul yearns…

His duty requires…


I recently discovered Cory Booker and am fascinated with his personal story, but more importantly with how his story is changing Newark, New Jersey. Like most of you, I’m tired of politics in America. It is self-serving, power seeking, and irrelevant to my life. I do not want to hear another argument, I want to hear authentic concern for people. I don’t find red or blue relevant to our world, I would like to see more “purple” people who seek justice, not position.

Here is a link to his profile in Wikipedia

Check it out and let me know what you think.


Jesus Christ lives and we rejoice!

We come to the table to remember His death…
We celebrate his life, his humility, his love for us…even unto death.
…and we rejoice!

Jesus Christ given for love…
because love requires pain, sacrifice, humility.
In quiet reverence, we rejoice.

We are family and share this moment so that we will never forget,
never forget that day…
the Christ on the Cross…

We bring all we are to the Cross…
and it is there we become alive,
so that we may confess to all…
the mission we are called to in His name.

Jesus Christ lives and we rejoice!


I never get to go to Austin City Limits Music Festival, but it seems many of my students go each year. I just received the following link to the music from this past September. Check it out…

Apple iTunes

I’m sitting in Starbucks watching the people come and go and the traffic as it sprints down the street at Enfield and San Antonio in downtown Austin like I do each Wednesday…

I’m listening to my iPod and it’s like my own music video. I can’t hear the conversations, or the noise on the street, and so the imagination is free to roam.

“Where are they coming from?”

“Where are they going?”

“Why do they seem to be in such a hurry as they approach and exit?”

“Why do they seem at peace as they sit and read, or do the crossword, or even discuss business?”

“Where is the homeless guy going after he finishes his coffee?”

“What are their dreams, their hopes, their fears? Does anybody care?”

Each created in the image of the creator…

unique and never to be repeated.

That we would recognize each as made by Him, for Him, and to Him…

unique and never to be repeated.

And together join the creator to encourage those who most need to be told they are…

unique and never to be repeated.

“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them….And he has given us this command: Those who love God must also love one another.”

—-1 John 4
