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Tag Archives: CNN

As the Larry the Cable Guy says, “I don’t care who you are, that’s just funny!” See the Ben Sargeant editorial cartoon in today’s Austin American Statesman. Once again, he captures many levels of what people are experiencing and feeling with his drawings and commentary.  

They will debate at LBJ on UT campus…kinda cool to have Texas in the mix. FYI… Video from Fox News in Austin… 

In his book, Miller describes his disdain for the us vs. them mentality between Christians and non-Christians.

“I felt, once again, that there was this underlying hostility for homosexuals and Democrats and, well, hippie types. I cannot tell you how much I did not want liberal or gay people to be my enemies. I liked them,” he wrote. “The real issue in the Christian community was that (love) was conditional … You were loved in word, but there was, without question, a social commodity that was being withheld from you until you shaped up.”

For the complete article, go to